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My 5 Favorite Snack Bars for CKD

Sep 23, 2024

There’s nothing quite like the convenience of a tasty snack bar when you're on the move. However, with chronic kidney disease, it can be challenging to determine which bars align with a kidney-friendly diet. To help you out, I've compiled a list of bars that are low in sodium, potassium, and protein and free from phosphorus additives. Additionally, since sugar alcohols can disrupt a healthy gut microbiome, all the bars listed below are sugar alcohol-free. Other flavors of these bars are often available, so feel free to choose which flavor suits your unique preferences. These 5 snack bars are my personal favorite and I hope you enjoy them too!

Lara Bars

*Gluten free, Vegan

Pecan Pie Nutrition Information:

230 calories

3 g protein

0 mg sodium

23 mg potassium

23 g carbohydrates

4 g fiber

Dave’s Killer Bread Bars

Oat-Rageous Honey Almond Bar Nutrition Information:

220 calories

4 g protein

140 mg sodium

130 mg potassium

32 g carbohydrates

5 g fiber


Simple Mills Almond Flour Bars

*Gluten free

Dark Chocolate Almond Nutrition Information:

170 calories

4 g protein

150 mg sodium

170 mg potassium

14 g carbohydrates

2 g fiber



Made Good Granola Bar

Chocolate Chip Nutrition Information:

100 calories

2 g protein

10 mg sodium

50 mg potassium

17 g carbohydrates

1 g fiber

Kind Breakfast Bar

*Gluten Free

Blueberry Almond Nutrition Information:

220 calories

3 g protein

20 mg sodium

121 mg potassium

32 g carbohydrates

5 g fiber


* The links above are for your convenience, this post is not sponsored or affiliated with these brands or products. 


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